Monday, April 30, 2018

Session 5

Sharwyn, Belak, and Sir Braford
PCs (lvl 3): Ella, Endrill, Skrolk, Sshisah, Tarlyn

The PCs fight more goblin guards until they reach a room with a broken-down wall, giving access to a complex of caverns.

Inside the caverns are several twig blights hiding among dead shrubs, and the ruins of an ancient compound. More importantly, the cave is dominated by a dead-looking tree, the infamous Gulthias Tree, guarded by the evil druid Belak and his dominated pawns Sharwyn and Braford.

Belak tries to convince the PCs to surrender, but all he achieves is a burning death for himself and his minions. From his charred remains the PCs recover the first coin of the god of death, a round piece of brass marked with the throne and the skull. Sshisah attunes to it, receiving the blessing (and the curse) of Shadowthrone.

The PCs return to the upper levels of the citadel, where Skrolk decides to remain with the local kobold tribe for a few days in order to "save" Calcryx, the white dragon wyrmling, from the kobold's torments.

The others return to the town of Oakhurst, where they make an interesting discovery. When Sshisah approaches the entrance to the local tavern, the doorway becomes a portal to "another place", apparently triggered by the presence of the brass coin. After briefly discussing the implications of leaving Skrolk behind, the party decides to enter the portal without the kobold.

They find themselves in a much bigger tavern, populated by adventurers of many different races, from elves to dwarves, from tieflings to aasimars. The owner of the tavern, Durnan, approaches the PCs.

"Welcome to the Yawning Portal!"

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